Saturday, March 26, 2011

The End of a new Begining

When I first started this project, I truly didn't know what to expect. I was nurvous because I created this product that was not a technologic device or creation, so I was curious as to how I could relate it back to subjects based on technology. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was able to do so every week!

With that being said, I think the reason why my project evolved over time had to do with the forced posts incorporating technology. I was able to hit a wide array of business tactics in an innovative way that only improved my product and the business power behind it further. Also, the comments that I read under each post were really helpful and really were insightful as to how this product could be pushed to the next level.

The overall experience I think was a good one. This project allowed for me to try something different -- I am no way interested in running my own business, marketing, or technology (to an extent). At times, I almost found this fun! I would always sit in lecture and take mental notes about things I could write about and would look at other products in a new way in terms of their possible advances in the market. This was a great learning experience and, hey, you never know.... ear buddies might just be the new BIG thing!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

John Battelle's Searchblog

In my search for finding a relevant technology blogger, I stumbled across John Battelle's blog on technology trends and insights as well as social media posts. As a media enthusiast I was particularly attracted to John's blog due to his inclusion of media paired with technology. The layout of his blog is also eye catching as well as interactive for his readers. Those who view his page have the chance to interact with his sight through comments and have the chance to connect with social media outlets.

Stylisticly his writing is perfect for his targetted audience--all of his posts use an informal language that makes it easy for any viewer to read. In this blog you will find many posts on newly released products with personal reviews from John as well as opinions from other sites. If you aren't that interested in just technology but instead appreciate media, you will find that in this blog as well. Scrolling through the posts it is clear that he has interest in fields such as television and radio, but tends to relate all subjects back to technology and the way it innovates or affects the given social/media/technological fields

If you are interested in John's Technologic/Media blog, please head to the URL posted below. John does keep his posts coming at you, so you sure won't get bored!!! This blogger has been "Ear Buddy" approved and is sure to entertain any with a remote interest in technology and media.

John Battelle

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Legal Matters...

Hopefully one day my tiny little business will grow to be a larger operating enterprise with multiple employees using different sources of technology for many different purposes. However, at the beginning all business transactions will be done mainly on one computer--it will store all of my clients personal information for purpose of keeping track of who bought how much of my product and for shipment information. Storing this information in this fashion serves as a possible threat to my customers if it isn't handled in the right way or is seen by the wrong people.

Identity theft is an increasing problem in the United States due to the increase online transaction and the mishandling of clients' personal information within businesses. That is why I plan on locking that information in a way that only authorized personnel and I have access to it. Also, if a computer with this information must be thrown out I will destroy the hard drive completely by either pulverizing, shredding or melting the it as well as getting a broken piece of the hard drive fixed while closely watching the person do it. I will never sell a hard drive (external or internal) on the internet with important personal information on it because there is still a large chance that someone can read previously stored information even if the drive is reformatted.

I know this seems a little extreme, but I feel that as a business owner I have the responsibility of keeping my clients' information safe from those who could potentially steal it. Looking ahead, I could also use such computer forensic techniques to track and see what my employees are doing during their work time by getting the information of the company computer's drive. This is to ensure all online time during work is geared towards the product and all internet use is appropriate for the workplace. Now that I think of it, I should probably learn how to execute such a task... right? Oh well! I got some time...